Friday, June 1, 2012

my first group bike ride!

I'm adding a new activity to my repertoire!  Last year at the end of Summer I finally decided that I would jump on the cycling bandwagon and buy a road bike.  Some of my favorite girlfriends are avid cyclists and had been encouraging me to join the "bike cult."  I resisted for a long time, but finally gave in because I hate missing out on social activities.  Sometimes I would feel like I was on that episode of Friends where everyone was talking about all the fun they had in London, and Phoebe had no idea what they were talking about because she had to stay back in NY.  (side note: when will Friends references stop being useful?  do people still know what I'm talking about when I reference Friends?  I hope so!)

Anyway, my need for always "being in the loop," is the thing that pushed me to join the bike cult.  Since I bought my bike at the end of Summer last year, I decided that I'd wait till this Spring to start cycling.

As with any "new" thing, I get slightly really really anxious to get started.  I don't like risking looking like a fool.  I've spent the past few months firing questions at my biking friends, making sure I have the correct clothes, gear, etc so I could avoid looking like a total rookie on my first ride!  There was also the self-doubt in my mind about whether I would be able to keep up with everyone....

Of course, like most things I blow out of proportion in my mind, it actually all turned out to be JUST FINE.  Actually, the ride went great!  I was nervous a few times about riding so close to people, and I'm a little clumsy on the gear shifting stuff, but all in all, physically I felt terrific.  Ended up doing just about 24 miles total.

Glad I was finally talked into biking and think this is going to be a great way to add some crosstraining to my marathon training! 


  1. It sounds great! And as long as we are friends I will always get the Friends references...I actually just watched some on Dvd today. I am going to look at bikes tomorrow. I have only been planning on getting a nice hybrid bike for like 5 years now. I need some new hobbies. You look cute in the helmet!

  2. Cute bike! So, couple questions for you, my new cyclist friend... do they make road bikes for people who are 5'1"? How do you know what gear you're supposed to be in? How do you keep your arse from hurting?!

  3. Amy, I am sure there is a bike out there for your height! I am only 2 inches taller than you and I think my seat could be lowered further.

    As far as gear goes, I found out what I needed from my biking friends. Didn't need a ton of stuff. A small bag for under my seat, a couple of jerseys, a pair of padded bike shorts (THAT is how you keep your butt from hurting), a helmet, and a pair of cycling gloves. Like any new hobby, there is an investment up front to get your initial gear, but once you have it, it should last you awhile :)
