Thursday, May 31, 2012

Fargo Marathon 2012- 1/2 marathon race recap!

I think this post would have been much more fun to write had I done it immediately after the race, when I was still all high on running endorphins and the excitement in the air! If I'm going to be a legit running blog blogger, then it would probably be a good idea to actually write blogs about the races I run... so here it is!So this year was my second half marathon- last year at the Fargo Marathon was my first. I worried that maybe I wouldn't be as excited this year as I was last year, that maybe it wouldn't be as novel an idea. Actually, I was MORE excited this year than last. I was like, super, ridiculously excited. Last year I was full of fear and nerves and self doubt, but this year I had none of that. Training was GREAT and I knew I would be able to beat last year's time.Speaking of time- I had a time goal this time. Last year I just wanted to finish and it didn't matter how long it took. This year I had an idea in my mind of finishing it in 2:40 (which would be a 12:13 min/mile pace).  Originally, that goal seemed pretty terrifying- especially since last year I finished the half in 3:05 (14:07 min/mile pace).

As my training continued though, I was able to do long runs in under 12:00 pace, so I started forming a revised goal in my head, but was still a little too afraid to say it aloud.  Goal #2 was to finish in 2:30 (11:27 min/mile pace).

Race week was so exciting!  I couldn't wait to get to the expo and get my shirt and other swag!  The shirts this year were sweet and as always, I found lots of free samples of vitamins, protein bars, and even scored a few free GU's!

The weather forecast changed frequently, and I checked the weather app on my phone OBSESSIVELY.  Like, we are talking, obsessively.  I kept hoping for good news.  The forecast kept telling me rain...wind...humidity...possible heat...

Friday night before the race, I ate a huge bowl of pasta, meatballs, and garlic toast and then very carefully gathered my needed race belongings.  I checked the weather another 73 times, and pinned my number on my (new and cute) Under Armor tank.  I admit, I'm a little vain and THIS year had another goal of not looking like total hell in the race pictures.  I chose a better outfit than last year and made sure my legs didn't look so pasty.  :)  It's nice to have athletic goals, but sometimes it doesn't hurt to sprinkle in a bit of vanity!

Saturday morning I woke up at 5am and immediately checked the weather again!  Got a little nervous because at that time it was 73 degrees.... super muggy outside.  Crud!  And then I checked the radar and saw a SWATH of rain/ t-storms just to the west of us.  DOUBLE CRUD!  Race time wasn't until 7:30, so I kept my fingers crossed that a miracle would happen.

Had my pre-race breakfast of coffee (duh!) and a piece of peanut butter toast and paced around the house triple checking that I had everything I needed.  When the babysitter arrived at 6am, hubby and I headed over to the Fargodome!

We arrived ridiculously early, but I'd rather be early than feel super rushed.  Gave me a chance to pee several times and update Facebook a time or two! A storm rolled through while we waited inside the dome and cooled it off to about 60 degrees.  When we went outside to line up, the rain had passed through too (though I still assumed there would be more on its way.  Oh well, I was running regardless of the weather, so I finally decided to

As we lined up, I finally decided about my time goal.  There was a pace team for 2:30 time goal, and though I was still a little scared about committing to running with a pacer, and worried about looking foolish if I had to drop back in the middle of the race, but I decided to go for it.

Jim was the pace leader.  His hair was spray painted green and he was reeeeally enthusiastic.  Before the race, he gave us instructions about water stops, etc.  He also said to stay with the group and that if anyone passes him before mile 5, he'd pass them by mile 10... Jim meant business.  I jokingly said to my friend Michele that "nobody fucks with pacer Jim.  NOBODY."  We had a good laugh and I was able to relax.

After a terrible rendition of "Oh Canada" and "Star Spangled Banner" (lyrics botched terribly!), the gun went off!  It took a good 5 minutes to get to the start line.  The first mile was crowded and chaotic.  Pacer Jim was speeding us along at a 10:something pace, which was faster than the 11:27 I thought we were going to run.  Once we finally emerged from the shoulder to shoulder crowd, we settled into a nice pace.  I felt great!  I even felt like it was hard to run this pace, not that it was too fast, but it felt like it was a little too slow.  I think I just had a lot of adrenaline pumping through me and felt excited to speed along.

BUT, we have learned that you don't f#$k with Pacer Jim.  So I kept his pace and followed his rules.  There were tons of people lining the streets and cheering us along- as well as bands playing about every mile or so.

The details of the race kind of blur from there- the miles seemed to kind of fly on by!  The only walking I did was through the water stations, and I kept up with Pacer Jim just fine!  I felt a little worn down from mile 9-10 or so, but otherwise not bad!

I think the longest miles are the final two!  But I kept on running and kept on smiling (I smiled as much as possible during the race just in case there was a photo being taken- haha!).  Once we got to the last half mile or so, I kicked it into high gear and ran ahead of the pace team.  I "sprinted" across the finish line with a final time of 2:28:59!!!!  A full 37 minutes faster than last year!!!

It was an amazing day!  My hubby and a lot of friends ran in the events that day, so I got to see a lot of people along the way and after the race.

I met my goal!  In my mind, I had been telling myself if I ran a strong race and met my time goal, then I would for sure commit to training for a full marathon.  So... Twin Cities Marathon here I come!   Training begins this Monday!

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