Sunday, June 17, 2012

Week 2 training recap and happy father's day to my awesome husband!

Week 2 of training is in the books!  My goal is to write a recap post at the end of each week.

My new best friend Hal Higdon told me to do THIS:
Monday- Rest
Tuesday- 3 miles
Wednesday- 3 miles
Thursday- 3 miles
Friday- Rest
Saturday- 7 miles

THIS is what actually happened:

Monday- I "rested."  Quotation marks because I rested in the sense that I didn't do any official exercise... instead I chased my crazy children around all day long.  I wish there was a way to quantify calories burned while parenting a 4 year old and 19 month old.

Tuesday- My calf was feeling sketchy still, so instead of running 3 miles, I went out and biked 23 miles on my road bike.  It's the longest ride I've done by myself.  Great ride- a little breezy at times and pretty warm out.  Later that evening I wanted to pull the kids in the bike trailer for a longish evening ride... but my knees were screaming at me for trying to do the heavy pulling after that long afternoon ride I had just done.  We ended up doing a quick 3 mile ride to a park and back.

Wednesday- Ran 3 miles at a 10:59 pace.  I realized the reason I'm feeling pain all of a sudden is that my shoes are toast.  This is the first pair I've run out completely- and in hindsight I probably should have bought new shoes several weeks ago.  I've run in these for 6 months and just over 450 miles.  I took it at a slow pace, especially since every step I took felt painful in my calf, hip, and ankles.

Thursday- Ran 3 miles at a 10:56 pace.  I ran one final run in those shoes.  Kind of a humid morning, but not terrible.  I think I am starting to adapt to heat and humidity.  I think I'm adapting in general to running in imperfect conditions.  I used to be a fair weather outdoor runner and anytime there was a hint of heat, humidity, or wind, I'd hit the treadmill.  I'm really trying to force myself outdoors for most weather conditions though so I can run in any condition.  So far, so good.  I don't think I've touched my treadmill for several months now!
Thursday night I biked 26 miles with the women's group!  It was much windier than I've biked in before, but overall it was a good ride.

Friday- Rest!

Saturday- Rest again.  I was bummed bummed bummed about missing my long run, but I knew that it would be a bad idea to run long in my bad shoes.  My new shoes should arrive on Monday, so it's possible I try to make up a little mileage when the shoes get here.  I am trying hard to train smart and prevent injury.  I'm pretty stubborn though- so it was really hard for me to just stay home on Saturday morning.  It looks like Em and Stace had a great rainy 7 mile run!  I was SO jealous!  :)

Sunday- 5.5 mile family bike ride to the park!  We had a nice picnic and played awhile. 

Happy Father's day to all the fathers out there!  Happy Father's day to my awesome husband, who is an even awesomer father.  In addition to all the things he does for our family, I also have to say how impossible it would be for me to do this marathon training without him on board with it all.  Training is going to take up a lot of time in the coming months and I'm so lucky that Jay is supportive and willing to do solo parenting duty while I run.  I am trying to schedule runs at times that are less inconvenient, but I am sure some days it will be frustrating.  Hubby also runs and bikes, and it's tough to balance time for family, his hobbies, my hobbies, jobs, friends, etc etc.

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