Friday, June 10, 2011

Missing: confidence

It's funny how quickly confidence can dissipate, especially since I've not been "officially" training for a few weeks now.

Just 3 weeks ago I ran the half marathon, but since then the longest run I've done was a shade under 3 miles. The rest of my runs have only been 1-2 miles (my 6 months ago self would never have thought I'd insert the word "only" in front of 2 miles!).

Now, the lack of running has been an intentional move. I had a number of random ailments that have needed a little time to heal. I'm pretty sure it's not normal to wince in pain whenever I put weight on my left ankle...right? The good news is that everything is feeling healthy now, save for a few twinges of pain in my ankle from time to time.

But I digress. Being out of a regular running routine and not following a specific schedule has done wonders for killing my confidence in my ability to run.

This is problematic in that I am registered to run a 10K in 4 days. 6.2 miles. And why does that sound so scary all of a sudden? At the time I signed up, I thought- oh this will be easy and fun to "just" do 10K. And now I'm nervous.

I think part of my fear stems from the fact that I run at a pretty slow pace. This was fine in the half marathon because there were thousands of people running it- I knew that there would be no possible way I'd come in last place.

Smaller races, however, seem to carry some added pressure. I have mentioned before that I ran a 10 mile race during my half marathon training and literally came in dead last. And not just dead last, but dead last by a good 10 minutes. The moment I crossed the finish line they began tearing down the finish line.

Who cares, right? I don't.... but I kind of do.

So as this 10K approaches I am feeling more and more nervous about it. It sounds ridiculous, right? I just don't want to be last again. And I probably won't be....but there is always a chance. You see, the next "phase" of running for me is to work on improving my speed, but like I said, I've been on hiatus and haven't done much, speed-wise.

I think the only thing that will calm my nerves about Tuesday's race is to do a 5 or 6 mile run sometime before then, just to remind myself it's no big deal.

So that's the plan. Tomorrow I run. 6 miles. 6.2 miles if I'm feeling bold :)

Seriously, my biggest enemy is my stupid brain. Now I finally understand the saying about running being like 10% ability and 90% mental....

And in TOTALLY unrelated news- just a second ago I noticed that our baby girl cut her first tooth finally :) In case you care.

Happy Friday!

Edit: I'm excited to run a new route today! Going to try out the bike paths in Fargo


  1. During my pathetic attempt at training - last night I decided that I had no intention of learning to run. Up to now it had all been hype m- about 1/2 way through training I decided that "I quit!' I am not a runner-girl and therefore I should not be running... I made it through. But somehow all this training no longer sounds fun... While searching for your confidence can you let me know if you spot mine while you're at it?

  2. Autumn it's just your brain being dumb! You will be great! The thing that helps me the most is being accountable to other people and making my friends sign up for races with me :) Then I CAN'T back out! :)

  3. Who runs to impress people? I sure don't. As I recall I placed last for the guys in that race, got lost, and THEN... ended up on the wrong side of the finish line somehow :) Run for fun I say.
