Tuesday, June 14, 2011

10k + storms = ???

Wahooooo! Excited!!

The weather forecast calls for "rain and possibly strong storms" for tonight. Nothing like a little inclement weather to amp up the drama factor, eh? For the record, I can't recall EVER having pleasant weather for any races I've been in. The two 5k's I walked were damp and cool. The 10k I ran/walked last year was rainy the whole time. The 10 mile race I did in mid April was 30 degrees and had SNOWED the night before. And the half-marathon last month wasn't awful, but it was definitely cloudy and humid (luckily little rain actually fell).

I do appreciate that this is an evening event. It's nice not to have to wake up at the ass crack of dawn!

I'm really looking forward to tonight. My good friend Beth decided at the last minute that she would run with me, which is awesome. It's nice to have company and I think we'll have a blast :)

My only worry for tonight is blisters. I managed to get a couple of sizable blisters on my right foot during my practice run on Saturday, so I have to run to Target to pick up some blister protector stuff.

Oh! And I have been reading this AMAZING blog over the past few days! http://bendoeslife.com/

It's written by a guy (in his mid-20's or so) who decided a couple of years ago to get his life in order and get healthy. He started at 360 pounds and has since lost 120. I heard about it from a friend who is planning on running in one of his "Do Life" 5k events. Apparently he is going all over the US and holding free 5k run/walk events in order to promote the idea of getting out and "doing life." I don't describe it very eloquently, so just check out the link to his blog. I wanted all of the back story, so I am reading it from the beginning (all 280 pages of blog posts. It's taken me almost a week to get through about 50 pages. But it's super interesting and inspiring!!)

Have a great Tuesday! Wish us luck tonight!


  1. I <3 Ben. Glad you're reading. If you're looking for another one when you're finished, one that he references is One Twenty Five, and she is HILARIOUS! Good look at your 10k tonight!!

  2. Good luck Teresa! I love running in the rain, it's so refreshing (as long as there isn't hail!). :o)
