Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A little rain would have been nice!

Remember when I was all "wah wah wahhhhh!! It's going to rain!!"

Well, it didn't rain. Weirdly, all the craaaazy looking rain/ thunderstorms on the radar literally just stopped just miles outside of Fargo and headed north.

I thought I was excited about that. And then we started running. It was only 70 degrees out, but the dewpoint was also near 70. It felt like Florida, just without the benefits of being in Florida.

My lungs were pissed off. I'm rather avoidant in terms of running in annoying weather. I tend to hit the treadmill couch if it's rainy, windy, humid, snowing. It's a terrible habit and I know I need to expose myself to all conditions when I run.

I just wasn't prepared for last night's humidity.

The first two miles were awful and I just couldn't get in a groove. Mile 3 was great. But then at mile 4 I started feeling lightheaded and nauseous (was that from humidity? dehydration? both?). I've never felt like that while running before so I wasn't sure how to handle that. I thought maybe if I tried some GU that would help. It did not.

My stomach eventually settled a little and the last mile or so went fine. We only stopped to walk once for a minute or two, even though my brain was trying to tell me to quit pretty much the whole time.

I was able to maintain pretty much the exact pace as my practice run on Saturday. My friend Beth and I finished at 1 hr 16 minutes (12:20 pace). We were not last. There were tons about five people who finished after us.
But it's not about that, right? But I do want to continue to improve on my times and I'm looking at the big picture in that I still cut my pace from 13:30 to 12:20. And I finished. And I didn't have to run to the curb to puke (thankfully).

I managed to muster a smile and show off my fake running moves for the camera at least! :)

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