Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My Hitchcock-esque bike experience (or, When Birds Attack)

People! I just risked my life, RISKED MY LIFE in the name of cross-training.

It's true.

And I don't know if I'm ready to talk about it.


Okay, I think I'm ready.

It was just an ordinary Wednesday. A day in which I dinked around all morning playing Bejeweled doing important things and met my hubby for lunch. All was going along quite smoothly, really.

I've been alternating days running and biking (oh, and my 2 week break from running is over and the couple of runs I've done have been awesome! But that's not important right now), so today was a biking day. The weather was beautiful and it seemed there was hardly a breeze! I thought today would be a good day to venture out and ride some of the bike trails in Fargo, since I've exhausted all the routes in Moorhead.

Fargo has lots of bike paths to choose from, so I was excited to get out and explore. As I started riding, I realized it was much warmer than I thought and also a great deal more wind than I thought. Initially I felt like punking out and doing just 6 or 7 miles, but as I rode, I felt I could go farther.

The path I chose to take took me from south Fargo by the interstate and into West Fargo (this means nothing to you if you don't live here). The ride was going great and I was really enjoying myself.



I was minding my own business, blasting some Spice Girls er, Glee, er...some music that makes me seem cool.... when out of nowhere a huge Black Bird (not sure of the type of bird... maybe a Blackbird I suppose) swooped down and ran into my head. RAN INTO MY HEAD. MY HEAD. While I was riding my bike! Its sharp devil talons momentarily caught in my hair and he flew away smirking with his evil little beak (the last part might just be my interpretation, but I imagine it to be true).

I felt totally violated. I liken this experience to the time I was shat upon by a duck in 6th grade. My on-again, off-again "friend" Tammy M. laughed at me and made fun of me for months after that incident. Imagine walking around with crusty white duck fecal splatter all over your hair and Esprit t-shirt..... still traumatized years later.

So, that's pretty much the noteworthy event of today's bike ride. I did come across a trio of wild Turkeys crossing the bike path, but I stared them down and they ran away. All of this took place in the West Fargo city limits... I think I may avoid that area for a little while while I take time to heal from the experience.

I wasn't able to take a photo of the attack, so I have provided a drawing for you. Let's just pretend that I let Max draw it.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. That's what you get for exercising!!
    also... Esprit was once cool. I used to wear Esprit shirts with my stirrup pants when I worked at Maurices.
