Friday, July 29, 2011

The end of Summer

I can't believe that in just a few short days Summer will be over!  Well, technically not "over," but I return to work on Monday, so I may as well just stick a fork in this Summer.

Having a 2 month break from work every Summer is both a blessing and a curse.  A blessing because I was able to spend extra time with my kids.  A blessing because we got to go and do lots of fun things together.  A blessing because I got a bitchin' tan. 

But mostly, having 2 months off is hard for me.  I know, I know, you probably want to punch me in the face for complaining about a mandatory 2 month vacation. I'm not saying I hate it, I am just saying I don't function optimally when given large periods of free time.  Having an abundance of time is almost as overwhelming as having an abundance of money (not that I ever really know what that feels like).... my brain just gets overloaded with the possibilities.

Seriously, I spent weeks planning out the "perfect" Summer for myself.  I had big time goals for exercise, diet, tanning, being the best mom in the world, and cleaning....  I planned on doing long runs on the days that the kids were at daycare.  I planned on staying caught up on laundry.  I planned on doing activities with the kids from morning to night.

But somehow I have this magical ability to make long periods of time vanish.  Give me 8 hours to do something and I don't start that thing until it's been 7 hours 45 minutes.  I don't even know how it happens *ahem facebook* but I'll wake in the morning, start drinking coffee...and then suddenly the day is half over.  

So, with this being my pattern, it's not really conducive to "accomplishing stuff."  As always, I am a GREAT starter.  The first 2 weeks of my Summer break included workouts and fun field trips with the kids, and all the jazz I'd planned.... and then I lost steam- fast.

Okay, to be fair to myself, we DID do a lot of fun things together this Summer.  We went to the pool plenty (which accomplishes the tanning goal and the fun with kids goal at the same time), we had quite a few playdates, I had lunch dates with friends on my two child-free days, I exercised a fair bit for the first 5 weeks of Summer.... so it wasn't all a waste.  I got attacked by birds and I road tripped to Chicago.  

I never did log miles and miles of running like I'd hoped, but I did get a chance to use my bike more this Summer than I had in the past 4 years.  I didn't clean as much as I would have liked much at all, but one time I did organize the kids' toys. 

When it comes down to it, I really like my job.  I enjoy working and I enjoy seeing my co-workers every day.  I loved the opportunity to be a stay at home mom for a couple of months, but I'm ready to get back to structure and adult interactions.

And truly, I'm done with Summer in general.  I LOVE Summer and all that it entails (swimming and grilling and iced coffee and ponytails)... but I am not a fan of the heat and humidity.  I am ready to get to early fall where the days are warm and the evenings are crisp.  I'm ready for hooded sweatshirts and jeans.  And you are probably ready to punch me in the face for bitching about Summer... am I right? 

And suddenly since I started typing this an hour has disappeared, but my baskets of laundry have not.... This might be a good place to end.

1 comment:

  1. I am totally with you. Summer has it's purpose, but then BRING ON FALL!!! Maybe that's why we live in MN...cause summer is only about 8 weeks out of the year. haha!
