Tuesday, October 16, 2012

My trouble with authority

Okay, I have something I'd like to say.  Don't take this the wrong way, please.

You're not the boss of me.

No, really, I mean it.  In the nicest way possible, of course.

You're probably confused now, so I'll explain.

I have trouble with authority... I mean, if it comes to legit laws and such, obviously I'll do my best to abide.

But when it comes to my life and my decisions and whatnot, I tend to buck authority.  It's as if I've always had this need to prove something to myself and others that I can succeed.

One time when I was a lazy 9th grader, I had a teacher tell me that he didn't think I was going to be able to do well in the class because of my work ethic.  I showed him by turning around my lazy ways and aced the class.

When I was looking at colleges to attend, my asshole high school counselor gently suggested community college because my class rank was in the bottom half (of a 600+ person class)  She thought this would affect ability to succeed in a 4 year college.  I told her thanks, but no thanks to that very unhelpful suggestion and set out to prove otherwise.  I pictured her stupid face every time I stayed up late writing a paper or studying for a test.  Ended up on the deans list my entire Freshman year of college.

Once during a summer break, I decided I was going to work two jobs to save extra money.  Some wise person told me I shouldn't work so much.  I ended up working even more.  P.S.- working 80 hours a week really is a stupid idea.  But I did it.

See a pattern here?  My stubbornness and need to prove that I can handle having a lot on my plate has caused me some unneeded stress at times, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  I love pushing myself and seeing what I can handle.  Admittedly there were instances over the years in which I couldn't handle everything, but for the most part, I was able to push through and reach my goals.

This mindset I believe has been instrumental in helping me to train for races and reach my goal to finish a marathon.  People said it was crazy and some thought I was pushing myself too hard.  But I think that only I can *really* determine what is too much, right?

Sometimes I bristle when well intending friends try to give me wise advice about how much I should or should not run, or telling me to take X number of days off because that's what research says to do.  And it's not that I don't appreciate the care and concern.  And I feel like an unappreciative a-hole sometimes when I don't take the advice- especially since some of my friends are seasoned, successful runners.

But it still all comes down to me knowing my body.  It comes down to me knowing my limits and knowing what I can handle.  It comes down to me being stubborn as hell and having to learn from experience- even if experience means falling flat on my face.  I love to push the limits though and wouldn't have it any other way.

So this all stems from running this half marathon this weekend.  And I know that some eyebrows raise when I say I am running a half just two weeks after running a full.  And I know that "they" say it's not the wisest idea.  But I really want to run it and my legs feel great!  So why WOULDN'T I give it a shot, right?  And, lets be real here- I'm not some speedy superstar.  I'm not running at intense injury provoking speeds.  I'm a turtle at best!  And if I somehow injure myself, then I give all the critics permission to tell me "I told you so!"  But lets hope there's no injury.  :)  I feel great.  I feel strong.  I feel like I want to get one more race out of the months of effort I put into training before I dial down the running in lieu of strength training. 

So, humor me here and just tell me "good luck!  have fun!" even if you think I'm the dumbest person alive.  :)

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