Tuesday, August 21, 2012

a catch up post


Not sure where the past 2.5 weeks have gone, but I seem to have lost steam on the ol blog.  I am sure my 16 followers are WAY bummed about this! :)

A super quick catch all blog, filled with lazy bullet points and random punctuation.

  • The past two weeks I have done my longest runs to date!  15 and 16 miles!  They really don't feel a lot different than 12 and 13 mile runs- what a huge relief.  I have a feeling that 26.2 WILL feel different.  I have a feeling the next big runs (18 and 20) will feel a little tougher.
  • Carb loading should be a sport of its own.  I would win a gold medal for sure.
  • I'm watching Teen Mom right now.  Is anyone else totally OVER this show?  Farewell Maci, Farrah, Amber, and Caitlin.  I'm done!
  • I've never ever ever been a morning person.  I've never ever ever successfully been a morning exerciser.  The past few weeks, however, I've been up between 4 and 430am to finish my run before work.  Woo hoo!  It sucks so much!  
  • My midweek runs are starting to get long.  This week I run 4, 8, 5.  8 is hard to squeeze in before work (hence, the 4am wakeup!)
  • Fun fact:  The Real World is STILL A SHOW.  (this is what happens when I try to blog with MTV on in the background)
  • We got YMCA memberships!  After this marathon is done-zo, I'm going to have a little cooling off period with the running and focus some more time on strength training and short speedy runs.  
  • I went to my first spinning class since 2006.  I remembered it being a terrible experience last time I went, which is why it took me 6 years to try it again.  This time around was an awesome experience!  Since last time they have new bikes, a new cycling studio, and I am just overall more accustomed to biking.  I can't wait to have more time to do spinning!
  • I think I might just be really tired tonight, but in this moment I am feeling kind of burnt out from my training.  
  • Also I think people might be getting tired of me posting about running all the time on Facebook!  
  • The hubster continues to be very accommodating when it comes to my training.  It DOES take up a lot of time.  He is great about not complaining *too* much :)  In turn, I try to run as early as possible so I don't dip into family time as much.
This was a super crappy blog post!

I hope to keep caught up now :)

Till next time!

1 comment:

  1. Spinning (I've only been twice) makes me feel wobbly each time. It's INSANE!!! But I'm always impressed at the mileage at the end of the hour...and how many calories I've burned. If I were into gettin gup early, I (at some other point in my life) would totally go more often.
    And also, your running is impressive.
    And also to the second: I'm currently feeding my child chinese noodles from chopsticks.
