Tuesday, January 3, 2012

a mile a day.........

Back so soon? Well, now I feel this sense of obligation to Russia to start hammering out some blog posts. It's also NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month), so I'm going to try to post each day for the month of January, even if it's just a small post.

Anywho, as I promised yesterday, I have some lofty goals for 2012.

Goal 1:  Run a mile a day
Many days I plan on running much more than that, but I am committing to at least one mile a day.  Because...well, one mile sounds so harmless and easy.  This will serve to get my butt moving when my brain is telling me that a 2 or 3 mile training run sounds like too much of a task.  It's a way to trick myself onto the treadmill or street (because I'm pretty easily tricked).  NOTE:  It said "trick myself onto the street" NOT "trick myself out on the street."  That would carry a very different meaning....

So often I fall into the black/white thinking where I start to think that if I can't muster up the motivation or energy for a few miles, then I don't bother running at all.  There is no rule that states that one MUST run several miles or not at all, but somehow I have come to believe that.  And it is often a major DEmotivator. 

But ONE teeny little mile is totally do-able on a daily basis.  Now, I'm not suggesting that I'm going to run through injury or illness just to meet this goal, but I could certainly walk a mile while injured. 

The beauty of this new goal is that more often than not, I will probably choose to go longer than a mile.  My motivation problems typically disappear once I actually start running.  Last night I was totally unmotivated, but went downstairs to hammer out one mile anyway.  I noticed that I had 24 minutes left of a Breaking Bad episode, so I did 2.15 miles instead.  YAY me!  (And also, I'm 2 episodes in to Breaking Bad and I'm totally hooked!  Highly recommend!)

More goals to come, but I have a lot of blogging to do this month so I don't want to waste it all on one post :) 

See you tomorrow! 

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